Il sito principale del Sole 24 Ore ha pubblicato su Web gli articoli che ho scritto per il numero di Nova del 3 Aprile 2008. A questo link trovate l’introduzione (apparsa nella Pagina 1 dell’inserto...
Il sito principale del Sole 24 Ore ha pubblicato su Web gli articoli che ho scritto per il numero di Nova del 3 Aprile 2008. A questo link trovate l’introduzione (apparsa nella Pagina 1 dell’inserto...
We tend to believe that technology is improving everybody’s life, at the workplace as well as at home. But what about those who have neither a job nor a home? Christopher A. Le Dantec, together with...
L’industria elettronica ha una responsabilità crescente nella produzione di rifiuti tossici e difficili da smaltire. Non solo c’è poca attenzione verso la pericolosità dei materiali impiegati e...
The electronic industry has an increasing responsibility in the production of toxical components and e-waste. Careless strategies are leading to irresponsible designs such as the growing number of products...
New technologies have made it possible to "lifelog" our existence, collecting and storing digital pictures, videos, text, copies of Web sites, and so on... But will this be as meaningful as...
Be they US dollars, Euros or Yens, paper bills are becoming anachronistic, as we use more and more credit cards, smart cards or even completely virtual currencies such as Linden Dollars in Second Life....
We are going to soon carry out sports activities with our friends even when they are not in the same physical place as we are. More generally, computers will be increasingly used to persuade us to physically...
Will computers ever help us to get better when we are depressed or could they more generally be employed to help treating the numerous existing mental illnesses? At CHI 2008, Gavin Doherty (Trinity College...
How often do you feel that computers and mobile devices are not helping you as they should (and could) in managing your personal information? What can research and new applications do to improve this...
How should we approach interaction design when the applications are meant for foreign countries? And what if those countries belong to the developing world? John Thomas (see picture on the left) is very...
Can you imagine a sensing glove monitoring a person's physiological reactions to adapt desktop applications, mobile devices, or 'intelligent' environments to the person's current needs? That’s exactly...