Mobile HCI Tutorials (files from the presentations)

Mobile hci If you want an introductory overview to the state of the art of Mobile
Human-Computer Interaction, the
Mobile HCI conference series  is pursuing
an initiative that provides you exactly with that, and for free. On September
15, 2009, the Mobile HCI 2009 Tutorial Day took place in Bonn: a number
of well-known researchers in Mobile HCI covered many of the relevant topics,
and Enrico Rukzio, who organized the day and invited the tutorialists, has
convinced them to make their presentations publicly available.  In the following, you find the links to
download the files together with short abstracts that describe what each
presentation is about.

Mobile Search [click HERE
By Matt Jones, University of Swansea, UK
Desktop search is the most popular interactive web-activity with billions
of interactions daily. Mobile search is increasing in significance and this
tutorial reviews the state-of-the-art knowledge touching topics such as: user
motivations for mobile search; query capture; and, search result visualisation
and interaction. While it of course considers query-result, screen-based mobile
systems, the tutorial also explore more adventurous visions for seeking and
finding including those involving multimodal elements (such as audio and
gestures) and social-network based schemes.

Information Visualization and
Visual Interfaces
for Mobile Devices
[click HERE to DOWNLOAD] 
By Luca
, University of Udine, Italy

Mobile devices have now powerful graphics capabilities that enable the
creation of novel visual interfaces – based on 2D (or even 3D) graphics – to
help users on the move in dealing more quickly and easily with larger amounts
of information. This tutorial introduces participants to what we can learn (and
what we need to adapt) from the field of visualization to build effective
visual interfaces on mobile devices. It also introduces future challenges and
briefly show how information visualization techniques are useful to create new
tools for studying the behaviour of mobile users. No particular background in
information visualization is required.

Mobile Guides
[click HERE to DOWNLOAD]
By Chris
Newcastle University, UK
Mobile guides are one of the most widely used location-based services, and
are now being rolled out commercially on a large scale. Often, mobile guides
are thought of as just being ‘maps with a few markers and a highlighted route’
but this is a very narrow perspective – they can be much more. This tutorial provides
a systematic overview over the large body of research in this area. Topics
covered include psychological foundations of way finding and producing
directions, different means to convey route instructions through a mobile
interface as well as ways to represent and deal with location.

Mobile Privacy
[click HERE to DOWNLOAD]
By Marc
Università della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland
Mobile applications that go beyond simple GPS-enabled maps often involve
significant privacy issues. This tutorial first frames the problem associated
with mobile applications and personal privacy, i.e., why should we care about
privacy issues when designing mobile applications? It then summarizes the
current state-of-the-art in location privacy, i.e., computational
countermeasures, consumer attitudes, and legal realities. Last but not least,
it also tries to offer a somewhat larger view of privacy in general: what is
it, and why should we want it?

Mobile Interaction with the Real World
[click HERE to DOWNLOAD]
By Enrico Rukzio, Lancaster University, UK
Over the last years, there has been an increasing interest in extending the
interaction between users and mobile devices to the interaction with objects
from the everyday world. For example, people can use their mobile phones to
take pictures of visual markers and have their codes recognized. A further
example is the usage of RFID/NFC that is gaining popularity as it can reduce
payment, identification or access control by simply swiping a mobile phone over
a reader. This tutorial provides a systematic overview of such interaction
techniques, discusses different technologies that are used for their
implementation and presents applications areas and upcoming trends.

Modelling and Developing Mobile Applications
[click HERE to DOWNLOAD]
By Paul
DOCOMO Euro-Labs, Germany
The development of mobile, pervasive applications is still a difficult
task. Although by now there have been introduced APIs and several studies
explored many aspects of mobile interfaces and services, it is often a complex
and time-consuming task to create mobile applications and evaluate their
usability properties. In this tutorial we will see current research and results
about how to use usability models for easily and automatically evaluating
certain aspects of mobile interfaces. Concentrating on the time to completion
of tasks, I present approaches of how to integrate such methods into the
development process and thus remove some of the burden from the developer.